
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Te Waka Tiwai

 Today we were looking at different kind of waka, we looked at Te Waka Tiwai. I was in a group with Kymaira-Lee, Natalija and Amahri, this is the information we found.

1. The name of this waka is the waka Tiwai

2. The waka tiwai was ideal for carrying small portions of people at a time, they were also called waka peke because they were mostly used for racing. They’re so light they are able to jump over wooden beams hence the name waka peke.

3. It was stitched together with flax rope and pegs that held it together which would help it sail when wet. It is made out of hollowed out wood.

4. It was made for fishing  and to travel on water

5. The Tiwai waka can hold 50 or less people 


I found it hard because no-one in my group helped me.  What is your favourite type of Waka?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Pixel Art

Would you like to see my pixel art?

Great here's a picture.

I made this in Google Sheets at release time. OK Bye.

Stan Walker

 Stan Walker

Stan Walker's birthday is in 1990 23 October. He is  famous for singing. He is Maori, he was born in Australia and grew up in New Zealand. He can play the Guitar. His old school is Hamilton Boys' High School.

His song  is Tua another song is Aotearoa his real name is Stan Roto Walker.

Who is Stan Walker?
What is most famous song?
Where is the school?
Can you answer these questions by reading my thing?

 by Trey

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Koru art

 This is my koru I hope you like it. We have been doing this with the release team with Whaea Caroline.